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The primary endocrine function of the testes is production of testosterone. This is regulated by luteinizing hormone (lh) as part of the. Germ cells produce sperm while leydig cells produce testosterone. If the testes shrink, a person could have a lower sperm count, lower testosterone levels, or. Replacement will boost or energize their natural testicular production. In fact, exogenous testosterone suppresses testicular function. If just one testicular is injured, testosterone production may be normal. Photoperiod, testicular weight, serum testosterone concentrations, testosterone release from the luteinizing hormone (lh)-stimulated tes-. To explore the role of the testicular leptin and jak-stat[leptin (lep)-jak-stat] pathway in testosterone biosynthesis during juvenile stages. Subsequent increases in serum testosterone concentrations after 28 weeks of age probably reflect enhanced production by leydig cells or increased leydig. If testosterone is taken by itself, it interrupts the connection between the brain and testicles. The testes will stop producing testosterone. To better understand the causes of decreased testosterone production during eae, we investigated the expression status of genes and proteins. Lingle, angela susan, "effects of growth hormone on testicular testosterone production in vitro in transgenic mice" (1989). Testicular heat exposure enhances the suppression of spermatogenesis by testosterone in rats: the “two-hit” approach to male contraceptive development*. Dotropin-stimulated testosterone production in a dose-dependent fashion. As little as 25 mg ¾ (ca. 6 mm) ethanol was effective in reducing testosterone.


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